UNDERSTANDING TODAY'S DING DONG WORLD To understand what's going on in our country now you must understand that we are in a in a state of socialist/communist revolution.The comrades and the useful idiots are waging guerrilla warfare on everything American.Their motive is intimidate,destroy; intimidate,destroy;intimidate,destroy. They want to destroy all the systems we have in our country and replace them with socialist/communist systems.They are using any pretext to further their cause. They have only one moral principle: THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS! Any means that furthers their cause is used .Lieing,cheating,mass murder,mass starvation,mass pandemics,--any thing goes as long as it promotes their cause. All the the looting,shooting,stealing,lieing,is aiding their cause,intimidate,destroy. They are aided by incompetent Democratic politicians who are letting them carry on their revolution here in the USA and throughout the world. The LPSC cabal hat...