(This replica is what our DNA,which controls our physical material body,looks like.
We got half from our mother and half from our father at fertilization.
We have 23 (22 +the sex one X or Y) Note bene-every cell in our body contains
our own unique personal DNA molecule.
When we were being formed in our mothers womb,it was our DNA that was doing the
forming.It was carrying out the human plan and design (two legs,two arms,and five
fingers and toes on each arm and leg.
It was forming all the other ordered and designed systems(digestive,breathing,hearing,
heart and circulating blood, the brain and nerve system,the skin covering system etc..
O,and the plumbing system! And yes,the sexual reproductive system!!!
All these perfect interactive systems came into being by chance???????????????
Ordered and designed systems can only come from an intelligent being:
a human intellect or a Supreme Intellect.BLL)

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