PRO LIFE IS PRO SCIENCE- DNA Pro life recognizes that the organism growing in the mother's womb is a human being. They know this is so because of nature and common sense.Cats beget cats,dogs beget dogs, giraffes beget giraffes,rhinoceroses beget rhinoceroses.Its nature and common sense. This is so because of the system that the Creator of the universe,the reproductive systems of all living things,uses to fulfill the command to "increase and multiply'. This system works by the use of that living thing's DNA. DNA is a fact of science. It was our DNA that was forming us when we were in the womb of our mother. It was carrying out the plan of our human beings existence.It contains a plan and a program to carry out that plan.We got half of our DNA from our mother and half from our father. Every cell in our body (billions,trillions??)has our unique personal human DNA molecule in it. Our DNA proves that we are human beings at all stages in ou...