-It has unmasked the Chinese communist state for what it is. We have stated in previous posts
that the only moral code the communists have is "The end justifies the means". Which means
that you can do ANYTHING as long as it furthers the communist party's program!
The loss of a million lives means a lot to us but it doesn't mean anything if it achieves the
end that the party wants.
-It has exposed the gigantic crime of our dependence on the communist Chinese for our
essential materials,yes even our pharmaceuticals. This is the fault of some greedy capitalists.
This was an abuse of the capitalist system.The communists have stated that the capitalists
will buy the rope to hang themselves.
-It points out the colossal mistake of giving foreign powers the control over our supply chain.
Which brings up the question of- Where the hell have our four RI ding dongs in congress
been for the last 20-30 years on this issue????????
The western powers,and US,have built China into the super power that it is today Thank you
US Congress and past administrations(Republican and Democratic).
-It has unmasked the Chinese communist state for what it is. We have stated in previous posts
that the only moral code the communists have is "The end justifies the means". Which means
that you can do ANYTHING as long as it furthers the communist party's program!
The loss of a million lives means a lot to us but it doesn't mean anything if it achieves the
end that the party wants.
-It has exposed the gigantic crime of our dependence on the communist Chinese for our
essential materials,yes even our pharmaceuticals. This is the fault of some greedy capitalists.
This was an abuse of the capitalist system.The communists have stated that the capitalists
will buy the rope to hang themselves.
-It points out the colossal mistake of giving foreign powers the control over our supply chain.
Which brings up the question of- Where the hell have our four RI ding dongs in congress
been for the last 20-30 years on this issue????????
The western powers,and US,have built China into the super power that it is today Thank you
US Congress and past administrations(Republican and Democratic).