
Showing posts from July, 2020


THE CIVIL WAR HAS BEGUN The troubles in the cities by the LPSC (Leftist,Progressive,Socialist,Communist) groups is the beginning of the civil war. The socialist/communist revolution has begun. It is being promoted and aided by the comrades,fellow travelers,and useful idiots all over the world. The China19 pandemic was the softening up tactic that brought the western powers to their knees without firing a shot. The coming election is the first major battle in this civil war. Boogle head Biden is being used by the LPSC to foster socialist/communist policies and agenda.Bernie Sanders is the USA's Lenin.The democratic party has been hijacked by the LPSC . It is not the party of JFK or Henry Jackson any more.   This election is only going to deepen the truthfull devide in this country. The private entrepreneurial capitalism,law and order,Judeo-Christian culture, etc. verses the progressive,socialist,communist system and culture. Biden is just a Boogle head for the LPSC wor...


Mr.PRESIDENT: WE HATE YOUR... -Hairdoo -rudeness -crudeness -lewdness -Twitter twits -egotism -malimaneo -know it all demeaner -elitist personality -NY bully boy attitude BUT WE LOVE YOUR POLICIES AND AGENDA: -pro life policies -America First policies -giving Power to the People,from the ground up -pro choice education policies -   "      "           "          vouchers for the parents -financing students not the bureaucracy  -con China19 pandemic policies -preventing China-19 flights to USA -decoupling USA from communist China -exposing Red China screwing us for 20-30 years -         "        "        "    lying and cheating  -fair trade policies -USA no longer Uncle Sucker -helping the inner cities Black businesses -implementing common sense prison reforms -personal health savings accounts -...


WHICH IS THE GREATER CRIME???? With the passing of John Lewis who fought for black civil rights,we go back to our question. WHICH IS THE GREATER CRIME????    The promotion of jim crow laws and segregation or the killing of black babies in the womb by abortion.They are both heinous actions but we think the killing of  black babies in the womb by abortion is the greater crime. Did John Lewis ever condemn the killing of black babies in the womb by abortion?


IT'S WRONG,PRES. TRUMP!!!  Your policies are right but the financing mechanism for carrying them out is wrong. We're talking about the financing of your financing programs. Your US Treasury is issuing debt bond s to finance your programs-this is wrong.We  the taxpayers should not be going into debt owed to other entities or countries. We should be issuing debt free money to finance the China19 pandemic disruptions. (July 18 post) FUNNY MONEY FOR CHINA19 PANDEMIC The US Treasury is borrowing money to pay for the pandemic.Payed with debt money. This borrowed money should be payed by China,who caused this mess in the first place. The better solution would have been to have the US Treasury issue the money by itself and NOT borrow any money.The debt free money would be backed by the full faith and credit of the American people with all the wealth in the USA .    The US Treasury has this power given it by the US Constitution in the "coinage" clause. https://www.washingtone...


POPES ON SOCIALISM he American TFP  >  Catholic Perspective  >  What the Popes Have to Say About Socialism What the Popes Have to Say About Socialism February 24, 2010 | Gustavo Solimeo   Anyone who examines the ideology of socialism will see the contrast between the socialist doctrine and the doctrine of the Church.All the same, it is not out of place to review the condemnation of the popes starting with Pius IX and ending with Benedict XVI. Thus, we present what the popes have to say about socialism as they condemn the socialist doctrine thoroughly and entirely. This is not a comprehensive compilation, but just some samples. PIUS IX  (1846-1878): “Overthrow [of] the entire order of human affairs” “You are aware indeed, that the goal of this most iniquitous plot is to drive people to overthrow the entire order of human affairs and to draw them over to the wicked theories of this  Socialism  and  Communism , ...


POMPEO'S SPEECH AT NIXON LIBRARY "Communist China and the Free World's Future" This speech is similar to the speech (The Iron Curtain speech) given by Winston Churchill when the west woke to the fact that Communist Russia was not our friend after WWII. He acknowledged the the countries taken over by the Communists in Eastern Europe were captive nations-- the people have no say in the government . They are ruled,controlled,and colonized by the central communist party in the then Soviet Union.   The people of China are in the same position--they are a captive nation ruled by the Chinese Communist Party.They have no control over the government in China. This is also the major weakness of Communist China.It has the potential to implode under the right conditions like the the former Soviet Union.   Communism was foisted on the people of China in 1949 with the help of former Sec of State George C Marshall who cut off military aid to the Nationalists who oppos...


POLLS: POLITICAL CORRECTNESS SYNDROME WE have watched the presidential polls and believe that the political correctness syndrome that was prevalent in the old Soviet Union has arisen in the good old USA.   The average guy in the Communist Soviet Union when asked a question they would do a 'double think'--I won't give him my real honest answer because it will be reported  to the local commissar so I will give him the answer they want--the politically correct answer that they want.     WE believe that is what is going on in the good old USA.If you give an answer that the questioner doesn't like --then you will be called a racist,misogynist,systemic racist,etc.,etc..   A recent poll shows that 62%  of the respondents didn't give their honest answer, afraid to give their honest opinion,because they would be considered whatever was out of the politically main stream. Is this a repeat of the 2016 presidential election??? Take these presidential poll...


The "MICKEY C CLUB" The younger generation had their "Mickey D Club" for McDonald's restaurants. Our Mickey C club is about that guy in Missouri? that stood his ground with his wife to defend their lives and their property after the mob "of peaceful demonstrators " busted in their gate to their property. Mickey C (McCloskey) stood firm with his trusty AR15 weapon ,that looks like an AK47,with his wife who was waving a pistol? in the air.Her weapon looked like a cap pistol but she brandished it with great authority. It would be hilarious if they were both empty. Neverlesss ,they were not bothered by the mob.They were truly upholding the "Castle Doctrine"--a man's and woman's home is their castle.   A similar episode also occurred in St Louis where the owner of a gun shop defended his life and his gun shop from the mobs of looters and thieves. Thus saving his own life and property but also saving other potential victims.  ...


SYD the KID (POWELL) SYDNEY POWELL is the lawyer for Gen. Flynn. She is a lawyer's lawyer in every sense of the word. She is our heroine for 2020. She knows the US Constitution and the statutory laws. AND,she has the guts to fight for what is right and won't settle with less than the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth. GO,SYD,GO !!!!!!


Image China bought more US debt in May despite talk of financial war amid rising trans-Pacific tensions Orange Wang South China Morning Post July 21, 2020 China modestly increased its holdings of US Treasury securities in May, the first in three months, despite rising trans-Pacific tensions and growing talk of a financial war between the world's two largest economies. China added US$10.9 billion of  US Treasury securities  in May from a month earlier, after cutting its holdings in each of the previous two months, according to a report released by the US Treasury Department last week. The modest growth came at a time when fears are growing that confrontations between Beijing and Washington over the coronavirus pandemic, the Hong Kong national security law and Xinjiang could spill over into the financial sector. Debate in Beijing c...


THE COMING CIVIL WAR?? What we are seeing in our country today is the beginning of a coming civil war. The coming election is not going to prevent this civil war but only going to aggravate the situation and make the division between the contestants that much clearer.     If Trump wins ,we will have a prolonged guerrilla warfare waged from the cities with help from all the LPSC comrades and useful idiots worldwide. If Biden wins,we will have a socialist/communist government that will not be tolerated by the majority of the people in the country and to what form of pushback that will take is anyone's guess. Will God bless America,if so in what form will that blessing be??????? The Communist party in Beijing must be laughing and awaiting their opportunity to make their moves around the world or will they implode like the Soviet Union which was also a captive nation under dictatorial Communist party rule.


PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE US CONSTITUTION We have stated in the past that we would support Trump as long as he stays within the US Constitution.The US Constitution is the blueprint of our government-- the rule book for our country. His opponents are trying to portray him as a potential dictator,NY Times, Hillary,Democrats,etc.. Trump sometime shoots from the lips when he should take advice from more objective patriotic observers.    On the present issue of anarchy in the cities and his desire to intervene,we think he should seek advice from Judge Napolitano,a libertarian,not a conservative. He is cautioning against going in to these cities and fixing those things that are reserved for the states to fix by the US Constitution and should be fixed by the voters in those cities and states. We think the voters got them selves into their mess now let them stew in their own stupid political juices  except where federal taxes and federal property are involved.   ...



Black abortions

Image Abortion Rights Movement Roe v. Wade (1973 SCOTUS decision) African American Culture +4 If abortion had been illegal in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade in 1973, what percentage of the U.S. population today would be African-American, all things being equal? Answer Follow · 10 Request 5 Answers Diana Dubrawsky ,  "Safe, legal, and rare." Updated September 19, 2018 No, I have not looked at the statistics. "The black genocide" is a famous right-wing anti-choice talking point. Not sure what "all things being equal" means; are we talking about the African-American babies aborted as a percentage of the total number of babies aborted in the US since 1973? How in the wor...