Socialism is the centralization of power to the ruling socialist/communist party.
US Constitution is the decentralization of power. Our constitutional republic is the
decentralization of power-(Three branches of government,lower government entities,
Bill of Rights,especially the 10th amendment,state governments etc.,etc.
Soclalism/Communism (S/C)is against the spirit and the letter of the US Constitution.
The USC decentralizes and disperses power S/C centralizes power.
USC gives power to the people.S/C usurps power to the central party members.
USC guarantees the Bill of Rights to the people,S/C denies rights to the people.
USC decisions are made from bottom up,S/C they are made from top down.
USC people free to improve their status,S/C they work to improve the state..
Sen. Feinstein praise Red China for raising the literacy rate,why doesn't she
promote a Bill of Rights for the enslaved people of Red China and free and secret