POTUS TRUMP Please don't let Biden,Obamas,Sanders,AOC squad,Pelosi,Shumer ,et al transform our Constitutional republic into a socialist republic. You are our last great hope to stop this major catastrophic disaster. Let those that like socialism,let them go to Cuba,Vietnam,North Korea,or to Biden's buddies-Commujnist China.Don't let socialism come to our beloved America! FIGHT,FIGHT,FIGHT with any means to stop this socialist transformation!!!!!!!!! POTUS TRUMP: DON'T CONCEDE -to the Biden march to socialism/communism -to the Democratic platform and agenda -to the Biden Sanders manifesto -to the progressives AOC squad and progressives march to socialism/communism -to the Biden alliance to Communist China -to the Biden recoupling of chain supply to Communist China -to the high tech Silicon sell out to Communist China in business deals -to taking God out of our culture,our pledge,our flag,our schools -to the investigations into Obamagate,Hillarygate,Bidengate,FISAgate ...