every-cell-in-our-body-contains our personal DNA molecule

every-cell-in-our-body-contains our personal DNA  molecule (person hood DNA)



“If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment.”
– Justice Harry Blackmun, Roe v. Wade


From the very first cell and then it's subsequent divisions--all of them have human
being DNA.  PERIOD  they are all human beings. Do a DNA test on the developing
organism at a stage that won't damage the organism. In the case of an aborted human
organism-- do an autopsy and test for it's DNA.

The human organism's person hood DNA will overturn Roe v Wade.


The most important scientific fact is human beings have human being DNA!!!

The most important scientific fact is human beings have human being DNA!!!
DNA formed us in our mother’s womb.We got 1/2 of our DNA from our mother
and 1/2 from our father.It’s our DNA that makes us human beings and not giraffes or

 If you do a test on an aborted living organism growing in the mother’s
womb it will be a human being because it has human being DNA,not a dog or a cat.
DNA scientifically proves that embryos,fetuses, are human beings.Their DNA speaks
loud and clear for them. It’s science is pro life.

All aborted baby human beings should be tested to make sure they are not animals. If they are animals then they are protected by animal protection laws.Aborted baby human beings are not protected!!!!!!!

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