
Showing posts from October, 2019

CHINA-SAINT XI (--Big Brother Google says we can't go to this blog????????) No we can go --something's screwed up!!!!!!!!!) (The fundamental moral principle of communism is THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS!! Whatever furthers the communist cause is moral (lying,cheating,killing,etc.,etc..) Islam is the same,whatever furthers the establishment of the spread of Islam and the caliphate and socks it to the infidels (you and me) is moral.BLL)



(This replica is what our DNA,which controls our physical material body,looks like. We got half from our mother and half from our father at fertilization. We have 23 (22 +the sex one X or Y)  Note bene-every cell in our body contains our own unique personal DNA molecule. When we were being formed in our mothers womb,it was our DNA that was doing the forming.It was carrying out the human plan and design (two legs,two arms,and five fingers and toes on each arm and leg. It was forming all the other ordered and designed systems(digestive,breathing,hearing, heart and circulating blood, the brain and nerve system,the skin covering system etc.. O,and the plumbing system! And yes,the sexual reproductive system!!! All these perfect interactive systems came into being by chance??????????????? Ordered and designed systems can only come from an intelligent being: a human intellect or a Supreme Intellect.BLL)                     ...


The coming impeachment extravaganza may turn out to be a show trial for Trump. If Trump get's some good lawyers (Ghowdy,Sekolaw,Giulianni,etc),and they are allowed to conduct like a regular trial,they may turn it lnto a propaganda show trial. They could bring up the Barr,Durham,IG reports and other witnesses and documents favorable to Trump,which have been ignored by the main stream media. However it goes get out the popcorn and beer,we're gonna have a TV party. "LIKE A REGULAR TRIAL"????????


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! There has been a lot of talk about socialism and communism lately.There's a statistic floating around that says that 70%(?) of millennial's believe socialism and communism are pretty good forms of government.Is this statistic true????? If it is, that's a sad and shameful onus on the total media:academia,main stream press,Hollywood,etc.. The past 40 or 50 years should show the evils of the evil communist empires. Socialism has shown that it promises paradise,but ends up with a ruling elite and the suffering masses. The main problem with human beings is: How do you control power that it helps you and doesn't hurt you.We see this in our own personal lives.Human beings with free will are capable of doing tremendous good but we human beings can do tremendous harm or evil. AND,one may be a saint one year and the next year be a sinner- the same with government,one administration or leader may be good one year ...


LENIN's QUOTES The goal of socialism is communism. BERNIE SANDER's QUOTES


( In the '20's and the '30's,the greatest threat to western civilization was the rise of atheistic communism in the Soviet Union,whose aim was to colonize the whole world  under their absolute control. Franco of Spain,fought the communists and prevented them from taking over Spain.He fought the communists and he WON. That's why the progressive,socialist,communist around the world hate his guts even when he's dead.He was one of the very few,if the only one, at that time to defeat the communists.Was he a dictator? He made himself Commander in Chief in his fight to keep Spain free of communism.They call him a fascist,but to the communists anybody that opposed them were labeled fascists.He was a devout Catholic anti-communist. There were few world leaders at that time that opposed the communists.The Catholic church Pope issued encyclical condemning aetheistic communism.Remember- FDR administration was one of the first to recognize this evil empire in 193...

Elizabeth Buffum Chace+(Quakers/Abortion)

(Quakers are divided on the issue of abortion BLL)



Science [ edit ] The  Journal  editorial board has promoted fringe views on scientific matters, including climate change, acid rain, and ozone depletion, as well as on the health harms of second-hand smoke, pesticides and asbestos. Scholars have drawn similarities between the  Journal 's fringe coverage of climate change and how it used to reject the settled science on acid rain and ozone depletion. [8] Climate change denial [ edit ] The editorial board of  The Wall Street Journal  rejects the  scientific consensus on climate change . The  Journal  disputes that it poses a major threat to human existence and can be prevented through public policy. The  Journal  has published articles disputing that global warming is occurring at all.  The Journal  is regarded as a forum for  climate change skeptics , [71] [72]  publishing articles by individuals skeptical of the  consensus position on climate change  ...

anthropological CLIMATE CHANGE SKEPTICS  (Shows Wikipedia  Bias)


(WHY IS THIS TRIAL BEING IGNORED BY THE LEFTIST MEDIA??????????????BLL) During Galloway’s cross examination, it was revealed PP has over $1.8 billion worth of assets and an operating budget of $1.5 billion.(Day 9) ########################################################################### T he Center for Medical Progress (Excellent Web Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BLL). 10/31 – Day 13 – PPFA v. CMP Trial Summary Admin   at   The Center for Medical Progress  -  8 hours ago CMP project lead David Daleiden took the stand today for a fourth day after a weeklong break to finish his testimony about the trade in body parts from abortions. Defense attorneys Harmeet Dillon, Charles Limandri, and others, as well as Planned Parenthood lawyer Rhonda Trotter, questioned Daleiden for most of day 13 about the civil … Continue reading 10/31 – Day 13 – PPFA v. CMP Trial Summary 10/23 – Day 12 – PPFA v. CMP Trial Summary Admin   at   The Center for Medic...